Mental health in the music and entertainment industry: Interview with Esther Gramsma

Mental health in the music and entertainment industry: Interview with Esther Gramsma

Oktober 16, 2024

Introducing Esther Gramsma: production manager, artist liaison, stage manager, tour manager and artist handling. Esther travels the world for the biggest music, movie, fashion, sports and corporate productions. Additionally, she is a massage therapist and is preparing to expand her practice to support artists, focusing on their total well-being. That includes their mental health, but also everything they experience during their career. From performing and the pressure it brings to the non-stop temptations around them, their personal development, and everything their touring life brings.

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Introducing Esther Gramsma , Production manager, artist liaison, stage manager, tour manager and artist handling. Esther travels the world for the biggest music, movie, fashion, sports and corporate productions. Additionally, she is a massage therapist and is preparing to expand her practice to support artists, focusing on their total well-being. That includes their mental health, but also everything they experience during their career. From performing and the pressure it brings to the non-stop temptations around them, their personal development, and everything their touring life brings.

That’s quite a long list of jobs for one person to manage. Did you ever imagine you would end up doing this? What was your dream as a child?

Haha, yes, that is a long list of jobs, for which I am incredibly grateful! Life has never been boring for me, she laughs. As a child, I wanted to be a maternity nurse. Working with these little wonders coming to this earth was my biggest dream until I discovered acting, which changed everything for me.

How do your personal interests show up in your work? Are you driven by the love for music, the thrill of a big event or is it something entirely different?

I’m driven by the love for people! And the fact that, from the start, I could fulfill these roles in a new way that was immediately seen. The support I can give while navigating what everyone needs on a personal level. The possibilities to develop and execute events that I could have never imagined. The creative and talented people I can work with all around the world. Travelling the world shows me how people move differently through life. Each place offers a new perspective, teaching me more about what shapes us as individuals. The lessons I continuously learn through each project and everyday life is what I love and what also thrives me. And I love music. I love to dance! I am moved by how music can influence people in so many ways. I am aware of how the frequencies of music and the words we choose can shape our moods, thoughts, and feelings – and, therefore, our actions and experiences. Every word holds power, every frequency carries its unique vibration, and both can profoundly impact our total state of being. If we become more conscious of the effects on a deeper level, music can evolve into an even more transformative and healing force, creating more meaningful and impactful experiences in the future.

What is the most rewarding part in all of it?

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When I go home with a full heart, which happened when the people I work with tell me they feel happy, safe, seen, understood ,and empowered to pursue their passions. That collaboration, co-creation, and connection means everything to me. That is also why I encourage honesty - share how you truly feel and what's happening inside. The more open you are, the better I can support you. Because feeling your best - safe, seen, understood, and empowered - is the foundation for achieving your highest potential. And the day's growth and learning together while having so much fun, the little moments of dancing together, and the heartfelt hug we share at the end of the day.

The music and entertainment industry players seem to always be pushing boundaries to create the next best thing and stand out from the rest. How does that increasing pressure affect artists and producers nowadays?

It creates a tremendous amount of pressure because they are constantly on the lookout for more, better, faster, bigger, and crazier than the other or themselves. What do people think of me, of my music? Am I good enough? Is it good enough? And the scary thing is, it’s rare that yes is the answer to this… Being in the above state of being will not help you move forward, and it causes a range of negative effects, both internally and externally. From spiraling negative thoughts to harmful behaviours towards themselves and others, these challenges become overwhelming. Unable to cope, we see that many begin numbing their feelings in various ways - whether through food, drugs, alcohol, men, women, sex, smoking, and so on. Which is all very easy to get in the creative industry... Naturally, these behaviours influence their overall well-being, leading to issues such as depression, addiction, illness, cheating, and more. Truth be told, being an artist is, at times, far from easy. But there are so many tools that can help! I’ve been using them myself for the past years and it truly made everything easier and lighter. Another thing is that we have to realize that in order to create and perform, they must be highly sensitive individuals. They must tap into a line, their own line, to create, to perform - that’s where the magic happens and it is an amazing experience every single time. It’s what so many people admire and love about their work. But this heightened sensitivity also makes them more vulnerable to the challenges that come with it; everything hits and enters their system 100 times harder, something that is often overlooked or misunderstood. Just never stop realising that you are so, so gifted! We are able to touch people's hearts with what we do and can bring Licht to the whole wide world!

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As an artist and tour manager, you get to work with quite a few international artists and witness the behind-the-scenes of the industry. The audience often expects the backstage to be glamorous and thrilling. Can you paint a realistic picture of this mysterious place?

The glitter and glamour are real and fantastic, but they’re only a part of the story. What often goes unseen are the 15 to 20-hour workdays, the lack of sleep, and the jet lag. Panic attacks before stepping on stage. Anxiety takes over on numerous levels. It takes immense strength to perform while navigating personal struggles -whether it’s going through a divorce, losing a loved one, being sick or injured. Yet, artists still stand up there and give their audience the best version of themselves. The loss of privacy that comes with fame. Touring means losing a stable home base, which we all need. And there are a lot of power dynamics in the industry that affect everyone, and these come to the surface more and more publicly. But we also get to share a tremendous amount of magical moments and create unforgettable shows, day after day, with a bunch of people who share the same dream! When you are grateful for that every single day, everything becomes lighter and easier immediately.

You are developing retreats, training, and other plans to focus on supporting artists on their total wellbeing, including working as a coach. What gave you the push to get into this?

Throughout the past ten years, I’ve had countless open and honest conversations with artists, and it’s heartbreaking to see so many are still struggling. Also, my own negative experiences with those I’ve worked alongside have pushed me to seek a better way. I truly believe that things can be different. And you know, all the above does not only count for artists; all the working crew often faces similar challenges. I genuinely wish for a change that brings more light, joy, and ease to our work and personal lives, in a healthy way. And by doing so, we are co-creating a healthier, happier, environment for everyone involved.

What is the main cause for mental health challenges among artists in your experience?

I don’t believe there’s a main cause for these challenges; they are deeply personal and unique to each individual. They often stem from trauma and experiences that haven’t received the healing they need, entering our system and growing over time. The coping mechanisms we build around them, along with the thoughts and beliefs we hold, can reinforce both the trauma and the belief that change isn’t possible or needed. Some of these challenges come from the ego or the behaviors we've learned and developed over time. Both lead us to continue a familiar path until we find ourselves stuck, and those challenges evolve into much bigger problems. Recognizing the need to change these patterns is essential; without that awareness, change can never truly begin. Hey, here’s the thing: we’re on Earth to learn! If we shift our perspective, we can see that these challenges are part of our life journey, and we must embrace the lessons they offer. It’s simply part of being human, and while I sometimes wish I could escape from the next one, it’s just not how it works. Even though I sometimes wish that would be an option, she laughs.

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When people face mental health challenges, what advice would you give them to overcome the struggles

We need to learn what we are responding to by gaining insight into whether we listen to the Light, the positive side, and act from that place or whether we listen to the negative to guide our actions. It’s important to learn that we always have a choice. Through the above, you get to know yourself and your pitfalls. And from there, you can learn to approach situations differently. No ayahuasca, cacao ceremony will solve this for you. You have to put in all the work and dedication. There are no quick fixes, but it is amazing to actually feel the Light and see that all can become a lot easier if we see things from a different perspective and you truly get an understanding of yourself.

Being an artist in this day and age means there are also expectations to be a social media persona in order to stay relevant. Is it even possible for them to get a break?

Go get that break! It's a huge misconception that this is not possible. I know that many of us tend to keep pushing through... We can't keep going like this without facing serious consequences - burnout, rehab, breakups, and, sadly, even loss of life. How many more people before we truly recognize the urgency? When will we start to shift these patterns? We uphold this way of life ourselves; we created it. This also means that we can change it ourselves for the better too! If we work together, we will create a better future.

What do you have to offer the industry? What would you like to bring?

I wish for everyone to become the most truthful and authentic version of themselves and, therefore, become that unique and creative artist and producer you imagine to be. I hope to bring a more positive and optimised way of working together. All the above can be achieved without relying on drugs or alcohol, as those substances only mask the unique essence of who we are. I would love to bring the necessary tools for that journey, and I have a wonderful network of supportive individuals to assist. So yes, I am working retreats, coaching, writing camps. Honestly, I believe there’s much more in store than I can currently envision, which is both a little scary and super exciting! But I trust in the unfolding of this journey, striving to listen to the positive, the path of Light, rather than the negative. And I do my best to bring my best self forward continually.

Can you give us a last tip that we should start doing immediately

Surround yourself with supportive people, the right ones, who want to see you shine and grow and will help you do this in the best and healthiest way possible.

Photography by: Anne Slump
Esther Gramsma

Oktober 16, 2024
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Mental health in the music and entertainment industry: Interview with Esther Gramsma

Mental health in the music and entertainment industry: Interview with Esther Gramsma

Introducing Esther Gramsma: production manager, artist liaison, stage manager, tour manager and artist handling. Esther travels the world for the biggest music, movie, fashion, sports and corporate productions. Additionally, she is a massage therapist and is preparing to expand her practice to support artists, focusing on their total well-being. That includes their mental health, but also everything they experience during their career. From performing and the pressure it brings to the non-stop temptations around them, their personal development, and everything their touring life brings.

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Introducing Federico Resega: Life in Action Sports

Introducing Federico Resega: Life in Action Sports

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Federico Resega is a snowboard instructor in the Winter, and a wakesurf instructor in the Summer. He was born in the late '80s, right in the middle of the action sports boom in the US and was introduced to the action sports world by his father who was a windsurfing pioneer. 

How did you get into action sports, when did the passion start?

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I was born in the late '80s, right in the middle of the action sports boom in America. The first rumors started reaching Italy through early magazines, videos, and TV shows/movies. My dad was a windsurfing pioneer back then, hitting the lake waves at dawn every morning before work. My uncle was a world runner-up in BMX racing. I've always been drawn to freestyle, and by the late '90s, I finally got into snowboarding. Story going from being an action sports enthusiast, becoming a professional instructor and now organizing trips with groups of people in the outdoors.

Did you ever hesitate to take a more safe career path?

Snowboarding changed my life; it's been and still is my obsession. I was lucky enough to experience the "golden years" of the snowboard scene in Italy, competing in events and giving my all at the parties! Back then, I worked at one of the most famous skateboard/snowboard shops in Northern Italy to pay for college and appease my parents by finishing my studies. On a whim, I tried out for the snowboard instructor training course, which was very challenging at the time, and I passed on my first attempt, ranking in the top 10. That was the sign that made me realize this was my path and that you should do things for yourself, not for others. Sure, another path would have been a safer career choice, but one of my qualities is that I'm not afraid to reinvent myself. I've done it several times in the past, and I'll probably do it again in the future. Watching my peers buy houses, have kids, and make plans, I realize more and more that in 2024, not having plans is a luxury.

What activity makes you lose track of time?

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It's not about the activity itself but the context in which you do it. Snowboarding allows me to interpret the mountain in my own way, surfing challenges me with my fears, trekking and camping connect me with nature. Lately, I've been really into cross-country mountain biking, which lets me get lost in the woods and explore the trails I used to roam as a child.

What challenge would you take on if you knew you could not fail?

Let me preface this by saying I'm a rookie at surfing. Probably trying to surf the big waves at Nazaré. When I watch videos of those mountains of water, I think that riding them at full speed is much more like a snowboard descent than regular surfing. The problem is, if you fall, you're risking your life.

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What is your main purpose behind Outdoorable?

Outdoorable is born from the idea of giving people an experience similar to a typical “day in my life”, allowing them to push beyond their comfort zone and escape the monotony of city life by getting lost in nature. It combines trekking, a night in a tent, and a second day filled with adrenaline. The adventure starts with the desire to explore and challenge oneself. Recently, many people have been drawn to the outdoor world because it's trendy. Social media is flooded with copy-paste tips, and people flock to these places just to show they've been there without truly experiencing or savoring them. The idea behind Outdoorable is to raise awareness and help people approach these activities safely, always guided by top professionals in each field.

This winter, I tried telemark skiing, brushing up on the skills I had as a young skier. I love new challenges, starting over as a beginner, and savoring every small progression.

Being so often on an adventure should bring a lot of memorable experiences. Can you share one of your most unexpected memorable experiences from being on adventure?

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Last year, after an April splitboarding trip to the Lofoten Islands, I was lucky enough to return in August thanks to a sponsor, with a mission: to cross them on foot, self-supported. It was my first thru-hiking experience, and I honestly had no idea what I was getting into. My adventure buddies and I braved the area's unpredictable weather—wind, rain, cold—and the weight of our backpacks seriously tested us. We might not have been the first to complete this madness, but we were probably the fastest, covering nearly 200km and about 9000m of elevation gain, more than the height of Everest, in just one week. This included a day’s delay when we helped some girls in trouble along the way, causing us to miss a ferry that only runs once a day on that island, forcing us to stop.

What is the most rewarding about organizing outdoor events for groups?

There's nothing more beautiful than seeing all the participants challenging themselves, overcoming their fears, bonding with each other, staying in touch, organizing, and embarking on other adventure together.

Snowboarding! You never forget your first love!

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